How Innovative Products Can Combat On-site Noise Pollution

Blog-November 11, 2022

Noisy construction sites are nothing new, but many do not realise quite how serious the consequences of all that noise can be. From compromising people’s health to harming local communities, noise pollution is estimated to cost the UK economy an eye-watering £20 billion each year.¹

Construction leaders have a responsibility to fight this, and switching to quieter equipment like eco-friendly mobile welfare units and tower lighting units is a great way of doing that.

But how much impact would they actually have? And why is it so important to reduce on-site noise?

The impact of on-site noise

According to medical studies, around 51% of construction workers have been exposed to hazardous noise.² It’s not just unpleasant; it harms their health. Roughly 14% of construction workers report hearing difficulty, and 7% suffer from tinnitus.³

This extends to the neighbours of the site, too. A recent report outlined how noise from construction sites can cause stress, poor sleep and health problems for those that live nearby; and the World Health Organisation (WHO) claims noise pollution is the second-largest environmental cause of health issues.

The message is clear: noise pollution makes communication harder, reduces wellbeing and negatively impacts people’s health.

Site Welfare Facilities

What can construction sites do?

There are a number of ways leaders can reduce the noisiness of their sites. Focusing on particularly noisy activities will help curb the social impact of construction noise.  Additionally, noise restrictions tend to be stricter in the evenings and during the night time, so reducing noise at those times becomes imperative.

Equally, the Government’s advice highlights the value of altering design processes to reduce noise and removing people from the vicinity of noisy work. It also highlights the importance of choosing quieter equipment. And that is where Welfare Hire is able to lend a hand.

How Welfare Hire combats noise pollution

Welfare Hire’s innovative lighting towers run largely by battery rather than generator power; this means they are completely silent whenever the battery is being used. The X-Eco HYBRID LITHIUM, for example, can run silently for 36 hours. This means the lighting tower can be used all night without creating any noise at all.

The battery can then be charged using a generator, but this generator time is a fraction of the time needed if this were the primary source of power to the light.  Charging can take place during the day, ensuring the impact of the noise is minimal. The unit is also fitted with smart telematics, enabling site managers to check the battery remotely and manage charging around their project’s needs.

Similarly, Welfare Hire’s ECO welfare units are powered by solar energy first, lithium battery second and generator power only as a back-up.  This Smart Power management ensures that generator use is roughly ten times less, based on a standard competitor. In the summer, they may be able to run with no generator use at all.

You can see exactly how much your project could save

If you’d like to learn more, reach out to our sales team today.

2.Kerns E, Masterson EA, Themann CL, Calvert GM. (2018). Cardiovascular conditions, hearing difficulty and occupational noise exposure within U.S. industries and occupations. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 61, 477-491.
3.Kerns E, Masterson EA, Themann CL, Calvert GM. (2018). Cardiovascular conditions, hearing difficulty and occupational noise exposure within U.S. industries and occupations. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 61, 477-491.
4.–how-building-sites-are-keeping-quiet.html 5.