How to Get More Value From Your Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms (VMAP) in 2022

Kelling Group Access Hire Units

Mental health and wellbeing is a serious problem in construction: everybody knows this.

2022 is set to be another big year for infrastructure projects and Access Hire. But with uncertainty around the economy and on-going questions as to the future of the pandemic, it’s vital that contractors make the most efficient use of their budgets. 

Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms are vital for many infrastructure projects, but there are better and worse ways to source, operate and manage your fleet. 

In this article, we explore four ways which may help infrastructure projects get the maximum value out of their Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms in 2022:

1. Modernise your fleet

Many businesses refuse to upgrade their vehicles under the assumption that it will be too costly to enlist a more modern fleet. But in reality, the costs of improving the Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms you use are far less than the costs of relying on a fleet that is no longer fit for purpose.

Ultimately, modern vehicles run more smoothly – reducing the likelihood of disruption and ensuring your team can stay on schedule.

2. Focus on fuel efficiency

It may seem a relatively small factor, but fuel efficiency can have a big impact on both the environmental and financial results of your project. 

Older vehicles tend to require more fuel – as well as more frequent maintenance. This means they produce higher emissions and cost more to run.
Our fleet of Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms are designed to be maximally fuel-efficient. Not only will they save you money and improve your project’s environmental credentials – they are also less hassle to run.


3. Outsource support and maintenance

Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms require regular maintenance, to ensure they run smoothly and do not cause disruption to your project. But there are still more and less efficient ways to go about undertaking this maintenance.

The best option is to source your vehicles from a provider that includes full support and maintenance in their access vehicle hiring agreement. This will ensure that not only is maintenance and support taken care of – it never even has to cross your mind.


4. Try leasing your access vehicle

Many businesses assume that there are only two options when sourcing Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms – to buy your own fleet outright or to hire VMAPs.. But there is actually a third option, which offers some of the benefits of both – access vehicle lease.

By leasing, you may be able to improve your fleet in a way that suits your budget better; it may also help you manage your finances more effectively over the course of a project. Ultimately, it could help you extract even greater value from your access vehicles this year.

Looking to modernise your VMAP fleet? Contact our support team today.

Innovation is Key For a Clean Energy System, and Welfare Units Can Help

There is no longer a debate: the world needs to embrace cleaner, more sustainable energy sources – and fast. 

Doing so is a vital part of meeting targets for curbing carbon emissions, not to mention the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals¹. But it will not happen overnight, and a huge amount of innovation will be required to develop the reliable, dynamic systems we need.

Construction is a vital force here. The industry will play a key role in the future of sustainable energy, helping build the infrastructure our new energy systems will rely on². But in doing so this itself presents an opportunity to embrace cleaner, greener construction methods..

Roughly 10% of the UK’s CO2 emissions are a direct result of construction activities. Yet many have still to embrace more energy efficient products, like mobile ECO welfare and tower lights – and the industry has lagged behind when it comes to innovation in recent years. 

So, while construction has a key role to play in bringing about positive changes in the energy industry, we also have a responsibility to develop more sustainable ways of working.

What can infrastructure contractors do?

Changing the way sites are run might seem like an overwhelming task. But as we’ve discussed before in relation to our mobile ECO welfare units, many of the biggest wins can come from seemingly small changes.

A simple example is the units and lighting that your site uses: many older models are hugely energy inefficient, both producing huge amounts of emissions and requiring huge amounts of support to run.

Welfare units and vans, lighting units, Vehicle Mounted Access Platforms – these may not strike you as key parts of a clean energy revolution. But that is largely because very few companies that build these products have fully embraced the possibilities of innovative technology

Welfare Unit For 15 People

Take our ECOXLi mobile welfare unit

It operates on a next generation Lithium cell battery and uses full solar power technology to power the onboard energy requirements. Not only does this enable the unit to run longer – it minimises the need for generator power and results in an incomparably cleaner energy system.

The welfare unit also features a Smart Telemetry system, which enables real-time monitoring of energy usage and provides live volumetric data for your site. Ultimately, this ensures that energy is used as efficiently as possible, emissions are lowered and your site is more sustainable.

Embracing products like this is a simple but highly effective way for contractors to drastically improve their site, as well as demonstrating to clients that they are forward-thinking.


Four Ways to Truly Improve Onsite Wellbeing in 2022

Mental health and wellbeing is a serious problem in construction: everybody knows this, and we’ve discussed the reasons why at length in our articles about mobile welfare units.

But acknowledging this problem and actually dealing with it are two very different things. The stats on onsite injuries and mental health issues have been available for years, and the industry has yet to make a decisive shift towards prioritising employee wellbeing – despite the widespread availability of many resources, like innovative welfare units.

It is time to change this.  Promoting Health and Wellbeing is even included as one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and that has to mean something. 

As the new year begins, we believe contractors and organisations must take decisive action to truly put wellbeing at the top of their agendas. That means more than keeping workers safe – it means truly adapting the physical and social environment of worksites to meet employees’ needs.

Here are four important steps you can take to increase wellbeing on your site:

1. Be honest about the problem

The first step towards truly prioritising onsite wellbeing is accepting the scale of the problem. As our research shows, men in construction are roughly 3x more likely to commit suicide than the average population, and construction workers make up roughly 16% of all male suicides. 

Improving wellbeing is not simply a technical challenge – these issues are deeply embedded in the culture of many sites. So rather than looking for quick fixes, we need to see this as an ongoing task of adaptation and education. 

Leaders should seek to truly understand the conditions that create such poor wellbeing: long hours on precarious contracts; chronic loneliness; physical fatigue; and a culture of repression and fear. This will help them properly acknowledge the scale of the problem and formulate better strategies to address it.

2. Promote open dialogue

Events like ‘Time to Talk Day’ are all about raising awareness of mental health struggles. The message is simple: we need to be able to talk openly about our wellbeing. And that very much includes the workplace.

Just 5% of employees tell their employers when they experience mental health issues. This level of suppression is only going to exacerbate the problem – as well as creating a sense of isolation and resentment amongst workers. 

In order to change this, leaders should take a varied approach. You cannot simply force people to talk if they aren’t ready to, so there should be a wealth of options for workers to communicate with the leadership about problems they face.

3. Dedicate more resources to wellbeing

There is no getting around it: onsite wellbeing is directly connected to the quality and quantity of facilities workers have access to. Isolation and a lack of communication are inevitably worsened by small, cramped spaces which do not allow employees to be comfortable – even when they’re supposed to be having a break. 

A simple example to improve this is by upgrading your mobile welfare units. With more space and more comfortable seating, employees will be able to properly relax in their downtime. It will also help foster a sense of community and openness, which may lead to better communication.

Better mobile welfare units may also provide better facilities. While things like access to hot water, canteens and WCs may appear like small things, they can have a big impact on employees’ sense of autonomy and safety.

4. Give employees more flexibility

Among the chief causes of negative wellbeing on construction sites is the stress and physical exhaustion that comes from long, gruelling hours. As other industries embrace flexible work patterns, construction leaders should also look to offer employees more control over the hours they work.

Part of this is relieving some of the pressures workers feel onsite. It is common for contractors to expect employees to work to harsh deadlines – even if there are delays in the delivery of materials or planning errors. But this creates an unfair expectation, and is a sure sign that you are not truly prioritising worker wellbeing.

Addressing such problems is likely to have a dramatic impact on factors like absenteeism and work-related sickness, as well as improving loyalty and creating a more positive culture onsite. Along with more open dialogue and better mobile welfare units, this will go a long way to demonstrating that you are taking seriously the wellbeing of your people.